The Illyrian Building Managers Association

Our history

The Illyrian community makes up a large percentage of the New York City building service and real estate management community,  namely as Resident Managers and Building Superintendents.

Since the 1970's, New York City buildings have employed members of the Illyrian background as Service Workers. They have ranged in titles such as: Doormen, Porters, Elevator Operators, Handymen, Concierges, etc.

There was also a large population that worked as Building Superintendents. Over the last 50 years, the role of Building Superintendent has changed.  What was once a person who patrolled their building hallways with tools on their belt and keys in their hand is no more.  Building Superintendent have now evolved to Resident Manager roles which include the day to day overall management of high luxury New York City portfolios.

The purpose of the Illyrian Building Managers Association., is to unite Building Managers of Illyrian Descent into an organized, business type, setting.

What can we expect?

Strength in numbers,  in a community, is always a great thing. When you add community members that all work in the same industry, it's an even better thing. You can expect to meet people of different regions of the Illyrian community and network regarding all topics of Building Management.

As a fraternal Association, we can learn and teach each other  topics that we encounter in our buildings and use them as examples on how to better ourselves professionally.  We will also have the opportunity to incorporate educational features and introduce you to Vendors of different trades as well network with Top Tier Property Management Companies.

We have already sorted specific Committees to help our Members rise to the next level.  Resume review, mock interviews and job referrals can all be expected from the I.B.M.A. Employment Committee.

We plan to conduct volunteer work and contribute to charities.  We will work closely with community leaders to uplift and unite our heritage.   

What's an Illyrian?

The Illyrian Building Managers Association is an exclusive fraternal Brotherhood. As a reminder, you must be of Illyrian Descent to qualify for membership. Illyrian descent will be classified as anyone born in descent of: Albanian, “Malsor”, Bosnian, Illyrian Montenegrin, Illyrian Croatian, Illyrian Slovenian, Kosovar, Illyrian Macedonian, Arbëreshë regions. In areas of question, documentation will be received as proof of heritage.

What is the process to join the IBMA?

-First things first!  Lets get your application submitted.
-Attend three meetings as a guest
-Furbish two Sponsors - which will be contacted to confirm
-A visit to your property to confirm your employment should be expected
-once the criteria above has been met, you will submit a check for IBMA annual dues
-Then you will be initiated

many IBMA candidates have all asked the same questions...

Simple Q & A about the IBMA

Many have asked, what is the difference between door fee and annual dues?
Your door fee of $75 ($60 if paid in advance) pays for your entry to each month's meetings.  The door fee covers the cost of your open bar, dinner and venue.  The IBMA does not profit from any of your monthly door fees.  95% of door fees collected, pay for our monthly meetings, in which we have close to 200 attendees, monthly.

Annual Dues is a cost to maintain membership into the IBMA.  These dues will include several benefits being offered to each member.  Benefits include a Scholarship Fund for our members' children, a Death Fund (which is similar to life insurance but paid to a member's beneficiary upon their death directly from the IBMA), a Charities Fund, which will allow us to donate to local New York City charities.  The small balance of dues which are not allocated to a fund, approx. 5% will pay for normal administrative and operating fees that keep the Association "afloat".

The amount of Scholarships, Death Fund Benefit amount and how much we donate to charity is based strictly on the size of our Membership.  We will keep all our members fully informed as more candidates are initiated. As a reminder, we are a 501 6 (c) non for profit Association.

An official financial report will be transcribed at our monthly meetings, after official elections in February 2023, in which a Treasurer will be elected to duty.

Many have asked, if the IBMA is an official 501 6(c) Non for Profit, where can Bylaws be viewed?
Bylaws have been compiled, reviewed by our Associations Attorney and adopted by our 35 Founding Members.  Bylaws can be viewed by visiting our website,

Many have asked, I attended two meetings, what is the next step in being initiated?
After you attend two meetings as a guest, your next step is to pay dues, as mentioned above.  Once your annual dues are received, we will begin the process of verifying your Sponsors and site address.  You will be contacted with the IBMA's decision to approve or disapprove your application.  IF approved, you will be initiated at the following meeting.
IMPORTANT NOTE!  Attending two meetings as a guest means you physically attended the meetings, paid the door fee & SIGNED IN WITH OUR ATTENDANCE SHEET.  If you did not not sign in with any of our door chair people, it will not be counted towards a meeting.  We keep a very strict and thorough log of all attendees.

If you have attended two meetings and have paid your annual dues, please contact us at [email protected] to schedule your initiation.

Many have asked, why is the IBMA so stringent on the Suit and Tie Dress code?
There will be many opportunities to network with the most elite of Property Management companies in New York City.  It is important to look the part as you may meet a Property Manager in a business setting or employment interview one day.
Appearance matters and there will be no exceptions to this rule.

Many have asked, can I continue to attend meetings as a guest and not commit to Membership?
The answer is yes, however, beginning in January 2023, anyone that is not a Member will be subject to the Guest door fees of $125 ($100 if paid in advance), until they become members.  They will also be removed from all official Association email communications which include employment opportunities.

Many have asked, is there an election process?
The answer is yes.  Nominations for elections will commence in January of 2023 and elections will be in February of 2023.  Only paid Standard Members will be allowed to vote.  This will be a special election for our first inaugural Officers and Board of Directors.  If you would like to vote, please be sure to be initiated by our December 2022 Meeting. More information regarding elections can be found on our website, at

Many have asked, what expenses or disbursement of funds have been made thus far?
Other than our monthly meeting costs and basic start up costs, (website, printing, Attorney fees, etc.) nothing has been spent from the funds already collected.  Funds are also being held in separate accounts to ensure proper percentages are accounted for when receiving annual dues.

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