Our Meeting will be held at:
St. Patrick's Bar & Grill
22 West 46th Street between 5th & 6th Avenue
2nd & 3rd Floor
Open Meeting with Live Music
Guest Vendors are welcomed to attend
Past President Appreciation Night
Congratulations to our newly elected 2025 Board of Directors & Officer!
How do I Become a Member?
The Illyrian Building Managers Association is an exclusive fraternal Brotherhood. As a reminder, you must be Resident Manager, Building Superintendent or Building Engineer of Illyrian Descent to qualify for membership.
If you qualify above, the membership process begins by completing an application.
Not ready to join? No problem!
Come as a guest and learn what the IBMA is about
Kastrioti Club Vendors
These Companies are the strongest financial supporters of the Illyrian Building Managers Assocation. We ask all our Members to use their products and services in your buildings and portfoilios.
Plumbing & Heating
Plumbing & heating
Johnny's Window Cleaning
DEMAR Plumbing
Fire Technology
Royal Concrete & Masonry
2 Link Technology
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